Officers and Executive Committee
Mark Goldman, President
Aaron Miller, Executive Vice President
Brae Riley, Vice President
Noah Bleicher, Treasurer
Jennifer Airey, Secretary
Nancy Cohen, Appointee
David Charney, Appointee
Jolene Sanditen, Appointee
Ross Heyman, Foundation President
Board of Directors
Dancey Apple
Noah Bleicher
Nancy Cohen
Claire Legler
Terry Marcum
Aaron Miller
Debby Raskin
Brae Riley
Jolene Sanditen
Ilana Shushansky
Steven Aberson
Jennifer Airey
Brian Brouse
Micah Cash
Randee Charney
Alex Gavern
Mark Goldman
Ross Heyman
Matt Katz
Brad Sanditen
Andrea Schwartz
Kate Basch, President
Immediate Past Presidents
John Schumann
Dr. Elana Newman
Sally A. Donaldson
Lifetime Honorary Board Member
Eva Unterman