This month’s featured film takes place in the fictional village of Gurówka in 2001. The story begins with the return of Franciszek Kalina to his hometown in rural Poland after having lived in Chicago for two decades. He learns that his brother Józef is shunned by the community for acquiring and displaying on his farmland dozens of Jewish tombstones which he discovered had been used by German occupying forces as paving stones in a now abandoned road.
Józef is gathering the tombstones everywhere in the settlement and moves them into his own field to survive from oblivion. Against the growing opposition of the town residents, the Kalina brothers attempt to learn more about what happened to the Jews of the village.
Aftermath is easily available on Prime Video for a token fee. If you have difficulty locating it online, please call Program Director Richie Bolusky at (918) 583-7121.
For over three years, Alice Blue and David Blatt have tackled the world of Jewish film and television, growing a large audience for sometimes overlooked and underappreciated Jewish filmmakers. We’d love to have you as part of our group, even if you have not had time to screen the film in advance. All of our sessions are on Zoom so that we can accommodate participants in other cities. The call-in number is consistent for all Synagogue events: 918 583 7121.